OnePlus 3/3T get BlueBorne vulnerability fix in latest Open Beta
LG Q70 is the company’s first phone with Hole-In-Display
LGisinfullonIFA2019modealready AfterwesawtheK50san
IDC: Samsung back as top smartphone vendor, market up 7.8%
IDC sreportontheglobalsmartphonemarketinQ1of2024re
BLU Studio Energy now available in the US with a 5000mAh battery
Nokia announce software updates for Nokia Lumia 920, 820 and 620
Nokia 701, 700 and 603 to get Belle FP1, same as 808 PureView
Apple Clips will make videos with effects and Live Titles
Applehasanewappcomingsoon,calledClips MadeforiOS,i
Apple Touch ID withdraw is coming to 70,000 ATMs across the US
ApplePayisfarfromaperfectsystemandApple sTouchIDde
Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro (aka Redmi K20 Pro) officially launches in Europe on August 20
Xiaomi sRedmiK20hasalreadyarrivedinsomemarketsasth