China Telecom puts up an iPhone 5S and 5C pre-order page

Rumors of the new iPhones going to China are heating up – they're so hot, in fact, that China Telecom just went and posted a pre-order page. It was quickly taken down, but the carrier's Sina Weibo account also posted about the two iPhones (this post was taken down as well).

So, here's what's going on – Apple has scheduled a dedicated event in China (a first for the company) for September 11, a day after the US event for the Western press. The rumor is that this is to announce that the two new iPhones will be available in China, including on the country's biggest carrier China Mobile (the only one of the top three that so far doesn’t offer the iPhone).

It appears that neither model will be exclusive to the carrier and China Telecom will offer them, too. September 20 is the launch date in the Apple Stores according to a post on Sina Tech (in Chinese), while Chinese retailer Dixintong will have the iPhones 5 days later, according to a leaked photo of internal documents (in Chinese).

The pre-order page for the iPhone 5S and 5C that China Telecom posted

The images show the gold iPhone 5S and also what should be the iPhone 5C in multiple color options. However, the 5C looks like the current iPhone 5 just with a different paint job, rather than the plastic-encased iPhone 5C that multiple rumors and leaks point to.

The China Telecom page contained more than images – the text read (according to Google Translate):

According page display, iPhone 5S using a larger screen, touch on the display panel, A7 processor, running iOS7 system, sapphire master keys, a gold version, support LTE-A technology to support wireless charging, larger battery capacity, support slow motion video capture, dual flash.

On a second look at the Chinese scrip, we also noticed NFC written in Latin, sitting there on the top row.

The larger screen is particularly interesting – with Android phones going over 5" in screen size, Apple may be feeling that 4" won't cut it and bump the size again. The rest of the such given specs also make total sense, so here we are with our fingers crossed that indeed there will be indeed, a larger screen iPhone. Though... on a second thought, we wouldn't hold our breath just yet.

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