According to a new string of code found in the MIUI 11 beta Camera app, the recently launched Redmi K30 Pro might arrive under the Poco brand in India. The discovery was made by the folks over at XDA and reveals references to the Redmi K30 Pro which comes with the “lmi” code-name alongside another device believed to be the K30 Pro for Indian market sporting the “lmiin” moniker. Additionally, we see “lmiinpro" which is believed to be the Redmi K30 Pro Zoom for the Indian market.
Redmi K30 Pro Indian variants confirmation
More interestingly, however, the “Imiin” device was revealed to come with a “Shot on Poco Phone” watermark tag which means this could be the flagship spec’d successor to the original Poco F1.
Shot on Poco Phone string
This is still early days so there’s no certainty but given that the Redmi K30 was reprised as the Poco X2 in India it wouldn’t be a dramatic surprise to see the K30 Pro follow in the same footsteps.
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