Microsoft’s keyboard for iOS to be released to testers soon

Microsoft still has the keyboard in early stages and will release it to Beta-testers soon.

The Verge was able to get its hands on the Windows Keyboard ahead of the Beta release. Peculiarly, the one-handed mode does not compact to one side like on other Windows phones, rather, it fans out from either corner.

Word Flow on iPhones will be quite similar to its original counterpart on Windows Phone. The official version is expected to come to the App Store in the next few months while an Android version will be expected later in the year.

The iOS keyboard works well and I’ve always found myself going back to it, even when switching to Swiftkey. The iOS keyboard can register keystrokes really fast and I didn’t find Swiftkey as able to keep up as the stock iOS keyboard. Though, Swiftkey remains one of our favorite keyboards on Android.

Is anyone on iOS using an aftermarket keyboard they like? Let us know in the comments!

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